1580 Space Center Dr #103, Colorado Springs, CO 80915, USA
(720) 988-0570
www.greenhealthmassage.clubThis is a great massage for me. Judy is a professional masseuse. My shoulders are always sore and my muscles are very tight. After Judy's professional massage, I got unprecedented relaxation and relief of my shoulder pain, which is worthy of my strong recommendation and praise for her!
They paid great attention to detail, adjusting the pressure and rhythm based on my feedback to ensure the entire session was enjoyable.The soft lighting and calming music created a soothing vibe, and the massage bed was incredibly comfortable. Especially loved their hot stone massage and essential oil treatment. It was not only highly effective but also felt like the ultimate pampering experience. highly recommend Green Health Massage to anyone!
I loved the massage here! Alina welcomed me warmly and she solved my shoulder and waist pain accurately. I loved the 90-minute Thai yoga massage, which made my body relax very well! It was worth the $30 tip! I will recommend it to my friends!
Thank you for the massage, Judy! I was going through a lot of pain before I came here with tight muscles. I think she knew where the pain points are and worked it through. I definitely recommend her and overall the place! Not to mention, I called in and they were able to get me in the next 20 minutes.
lost my 14k gold rope chain while getting massaged. I placed my chain on the floor so I could get my neck massaged better right before the massage began. I was face down during the massage when I watched a woman pick up my chain. I assumed she was moving it somewhere instead of the floor. after the service, I searched for my chain and couldn’t find it anywhere. I asked the workers about it and they were very defensive saying they didn’t see it or pick it up. I then proceeded to go and pay for the service and asked for a discount because of my chain getting taken. they gave me $10 off, then asked if I wanted to leave a tip. I said I wasn’t going to leave one. they then got EXTREMELY upset and said that if I didn’t tip, I wouldn’t get my discount. I proceeded to not give any tip. I don’t recommend coming here at all. pictured is earlier that day with my chain on.